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Prypiat recent comments:

  • Druzhba (‘Friendship’) kindergarten No. 6, Bean-O (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy place.
  • Supermarket, Bean-O (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    One stop shop for all your Pripyat souvenir needs. If you don't die of cancer afterwards that is.
  • Friendship of the People's Monument, Bean-O (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Looks like it's in good shape despite it's age and lack of maintenance.
  • Cafe "Prypiat", Shimmler wrote 17 years ago:
    Yeah, right))) Do you know the half-life of radioctive elements out there?.. Even our grangrangrandchildren won't be able to return there.
  • vulytsia Lesi Ukrainky, 42, утюг (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Охренеть, а мы вот на американскую базу51 (Area 51 to American) так не заглядываем!!!!
  • vulytsia Lesi Ukrainky, 1a, eleventh (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    These photoes were taken in Spring, 2006, using mobile phone (so sorry for the quality)
  • vulytsia Lesi Ukrainky, 1a, hksp wrote 17 years ago:
    waiting for your pic !
  • 2a Friendship of the Nations Street: Grocery Store - магазин светлячок - "Firefly", Saplal wrote 17 years ago:
    There's no cats in Prypiat to steal fish on shops...
  • Stadium, loliamapie (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    hey do you live in america 2?
  • 2a Friendship of the Nations Street: Grocery Store - магазин светлячок - "Firefly", loliamapie (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    the food suppose to decay in 10 years or so but i think those fish have preservatives or there just leaves and did it smell horible?
  • Ferris Wheel, jerbersoft (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    yah, also seen in call of duty 4 but some places are just incorrect in the game like how far the swimming pool azure is from the ferris wheel.
  • "Voshod" grocery store, Praporschik wrote 17 years ago:
    The name translates as "Sunrise" into proper English.
  • Druzhba (‘Friendship’) kindergarten No. 6, Praporschik wrote 17 years ago:
    There were 15 kindergartens, 5 schools and one college in Pripyat. Many young families lived and worked in this town. The average age of the citizens was 26 years old.
  • Stadium, ihatehaters (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    yeah they call my high schools football(american football not soccer) field "wildcat stadium" so yeah its probably the schools soccer field.
  • Cafe "Prypiat", 26041986 wrote 17 years ago:
    Hope so...
  • vulytsia Lesi Ukrainky, 42, Mr. Evacuated 450803639 (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Thank you a lot, David Metlesits. That was very touching. Thank you for your compassion. Compassion might be the best answer to our individualistic environment.
  • Avanhard Stadium, lugdor_the_fartinator (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    It used to be beautiful, now it looks like a stadium hippies would use to play hemp ball.
  • Stadium, Zachk (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    More likely simply school sporting grounds?
  • Cafe "Prypiat", yuri zaporozh (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    someday maybe we can return..... radiation will decay, and new methods of decontamination will be found, so maybe the city will live again
  • Veselka (‘Rainbow’) store, Artem Skorupich (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    This is a Toys' Store, which was a lovely and the most famous place for children!